
A Smoldering Ember

The lonelygirl15 cat is out of the proverbial bag.

There has apparently been an admission that the videos are part of a carefully crafted storyline. And as detailed by the LA Times, it turns out that Bree is as Hollywood-connected as you can get: She’s apparently logging on and sending emails from the offices of CAA.

Exactly who she is — not to mention the identity of her “co-conspirators” — is still up for debate, but this pretty much seals the deal.

But given the date-related clues in her Cookie Monster video — 10, 12, and 06 — I will be tuning in to see what happens next Tuesday October 12th (which would make more sense; apparently, as my wife so graciously pointed out, I can’t remember my month numbers).

Aleister Crowley’s birthday, incidentally.

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